Tuesday, May 1, 2007

U.S. Coerses Nations into Art Burning

In a move reminiscent of Farenheit 451 or the Nazi regime,

The U.S. has declared a list of 12 nations it intends to "watch" for their unsatisfactory anti-piracy measures. If nations do not comply with the U.S. standards of intellectual property, we just might lay sanctions on them.

I mean, I think it's great we want people to get credit. But now we're burning culture. There's one side, giving compensation to the artist, but what this represents is limiting the cultural enrichment of the impoverished person who can't afford every album ever made. CDs hold many books worth of data, so seeing a pile of CDs prepared for burning should set off all sorts of humanist alarms. If these policies succeed, we're looking at an intellectual dark age. Fortunately I think it's crazy to believe these policies will work.

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